Dear Parents and Families,
On Monday we started our multiplication unit!
It’s time to learn multiplication facts which serve as important building blocks for more advanced math in your child’s future.
We will have a test the last week of every month on that month’s facts (up to 100). Happy practicing! Flash cards suggested!
January- 5s
February- 2s
March- 1s
April- 3s
May- 0s
June- 10s
Kind regards,
Violet Smith
Vacation Homework:
-Math fluency practice (3 digit addition, subtraction, multiplication)
-Holiday Packet (first page says "Comprehension Check") sent home 12/16
-Penguin Project (information sent home 12/16)
After the Christmas break we will be starting a fun and exciting penguin unit. We are assigning a penguin project for our scholars to complete over the break. Attached you will find the Penguin Report graphic organizer and fact sheets about different species of penguins. Please help your child choose one species of penguin to research and make a presentation to present to the class. Your scholar’s presentation will need to include some type of visual aide and the following information: Location, Description, Information on movement patterns, Information about babies/young, Eating habits, Interesting facts, and a Sources page. Feel free to use the resources we have included in this packet, but please do not limit your research to these resources. We would like to see at least 2 other sources listed on the Sources page of your scholar’s project. Below we have listed some sites that have excellent information about penguins. We can’t wait to see how your scholar chooses to present their project! Have a great break! See you January 9th!
Singapore Math 411
Parent Support Videos:
Learning how to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction and how you can help
Learning multiplication facts and how you can help
What is mental math and why is it important?
Learning about fractions and how you can help
Singapore Math Video Podcasts:
Singapore math in the early primary grades
Problem solving in Singapore math
Visual representations and bar modeling in Singapore math
How Singapore math works in the United States - transition into Singapore math
The importance of place value in Singapore math
For Parents:
For Students: (This is a tutoring site for Singapore Math, $)
Videos that explain Place Value:
I would like to apologize for not posting our most recent guide, this page has not been compatible with the PDF posts of our monthly guides. I am going to be posting pictures form now on. I apologies for any inconvenience.
Week of March 14th:
Language Arts (Unit 5, Week 3)
- Spelling Words: knock, sign, knee, wrong, write, climb, wrap, wren, gnat, lamb, comb, knob
- Vocabulary Words: chased, chewing, dripping, grabbed, practice, treat, wagged
- Amazing Words: behavior, obedient, consider, confident, cooperate, companion, reprimand, properly
- Phonics: Consonant Pattern kn, wr, gn, mb
- Vocabulary: Classify and Catergorize
- Comprehension: Plot and Theme
- Conventions: Using I and Me
- Main Story: Bad Dog, Dodger! by Barbara Abercrombie
- Step-Up to Writing Strategies
- Writing about St. Patrick's Day
- Chapter 11 Introduction to Money
- Lesson 1: Coins and Bills
- Lesson 2: Comparing Amounts of Money
- Please work with students at home using money
- Chapter 4: Growing and Changing
- Life Cycles
- Leadership
- Lead by Example
Week of March 7th:
Language Arts (Unit 5, Week 2)
- Spelling Words: unsafe, preheat, rerun, disappear, unlock, discolor, rewind, unpack, unplug, regroup, preschool, disagree
- Vocabulary Words: annoy, complain, mumbles, P.M., shrugs, signature
- Amazing Words: concern, contribute, persuade, fragile, pellets, litter, pollute, release
- Phonics: Prefixes un-, re-, pre-, dis
- Vocabulary: Dictionary Skills
- Comprehension: Cause and Effect
- Conventions: Singular and Plural Pronouns
- Main Story: Carl the Complainer by Michelle Knudsen
- Step-Up to Writing Strategies
- Realistic Narrative
- Chapter 7 Assessments
- Chapter 11 Introduction to Money
- Lesson 1: Coins and Bills
- Chapter 3: Plants and Animals
- How do plants, animals, and people live in their habitat?
- Lesson 4: Where do Plants and Animals live?
- Students will work on Habitats through the week
- How do people use land?
- Urban, Suburban, and rural areas
- Leadership
- Respect
Week of February 29th:
Language Arts (Unit 5, Week 1)
- Spelling Words: cheerful, weekly, hardly, quickly, visitor, teacher, graceful, fighter, slowly, helper, yearly, sailor
- Vocabulary Words: building, quickly, tightly, burning, roar, masks, station
- Amazing Words: community, teamwork, instrument, lug, responsible, operation, caretaker, supplies
- Phonics: Suffixes -ly, -ful, -er, -or, -ish
- Vocabulary: Suffix -ly
- Comprehension: Fact and Opinion
- Conventions: Pronouns
- Main Story: Fire Fighter! by Angela Royston
- Step-Up to Writing Strategies
- Narrative Nonfiction
- Introduction to Metric Measurement of Length
- Lesson 4: Comparing Lengths in Centimeters
- Lesson 5: Real World Problems: Metric Length
- Chapter 3: Plants and Animals
- How do plants, animals, and people live in their habitat?
- Lesson 2: What are some parts of animals?
- Lesson 3: What are the parts of Plants?
- Leadership
- Dr. Seuss
Language Arts (Unit 4, Week 5)
- Spelling Words: too, new, fruit, blue, true, fool, suit, spoon, clue, juice, drew, flew
- Vocabulary Words: awaken, cliffs, mountain, prize, rainbow, suffer, volcano
- Amazing Words: condition, predict, terrifying, breeze, whip, sparkle, funnel, swirl
- Phonics: Vowel Digraphs oo, ue, ew, ui
- Vocabulary: Prefixes
- Comprehension: Plot and Theme
- Conventions: Adverbs That Tell How
- Main Story: The First Tortilla by Rudolfo Anaya
- Step-Up to Writing Strategies
- Thank-You Note
- Introduction to Metric Measurement of Length
- Lesson 3: Measuring in Centimeters
- Lesson 4: Comparing Lengths in Centimeters
- Chapter 3: Plants and Animals
- How do plants, animals, and people live in their habitat?
- Lesson 1: What are some kinds of animals?
- Lesson 2: What are some parts of animals?
- Resilience
- Biographies
Week of January 11th:
Language Arts (Unit 3, Week 5)
- Spelling Words: sooner, soonest, hotter, hottest, busier, busiest, happier, happiest, smaller, smallest, fatter, fattest
- High Frequency Words: clothes, hours, money, neighbor, only, question, taught
- Amazing Words: excel, process, research, opportunity, accomplish, original, scientist, unusual
- Phonics: Comparative Endings -er and -est
- Phonemic Awareness: Blend and Segment Phonemes
- Comprehension: Fact and Opinion
- Conventions: Verbs Am, Is, Are, Was, Were
- Main Story: A Weed Is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver by Aliki
- Multiplication Review
- Lesson 1: How to Multiply
- Lesson 2: How to Divide
- Lesson 3: Real World Multiplication and Division
- Review
- Chapter 5 Assessment
- Step Up to Writing
- Informational Writing : Martin Luther King Jr.
- Step Up to Writing Planner
- Rough Draft
- Edit
- Final Draft
- Illustrate
- Unit 2
- Lesson 1: How can we locate places?
- Lesson 2: What does a map show?
- Chapter 2: Tools and Technology
- Lesson 1: What is Technology?
- Lesson 2: How do people design new things?
- Lesson 3: How do we use tools and machines?
- Excellence
- Try Your Best!
Week of January 4th:
Language Arts (Unit 3, Week 4)
- Spelling Words: find, bright, right, cry, child, wild, flight, blind, sky, fly, spider, myself
- High Frequency Words: alone, buy, daughters, half, many, their, youngest
- Amazing Words: abundant, generous, efficient, forever, assist, dismay, beam, situation
- Phonics: Vowel Patterns i, ie, igh, y
- Phonemic Awareness: Substitute Final Phonemes
- Comprehension: Sequence
- Conventions: More About Verbs
- Main Story: Rosa and Blanca Retold by Joe Hayes
- Multiplication Review
- Lesson 1: Multiplying
- Lesson 2: Dividing
- Lesson 3: Real World Multiplication and Division
- Review
- Chapter 5 Assessment
- Step Up to Writing
- About Vacation
- Step Up to Writing Planner
- Rough Draft
- Edit
- Final Draft
- Illustrate
- Unit 2
- Lesson 1: How can we locate places?
- Lesson 2: What does a map show?
- Chapter 2: Tools and Technology
- Lesson 1: What is Technology?
- Lesson 2: How do people design new things?
- Lesson 3: How do we use tools and machines?
- Excellence
- What does excellence mean?
Week of December 14th:
Language Arts (Unit 3, Week 3)
- Spelling Words: basketball, weekend, birthday, bathtub, driveway, raindrop, someone, something, riverbank, backyard, bedtime, mailbox
- High Frequency Words: been, finally, whatever, believe, today, caught, tomorrow
- Amazing Words: consume, shrewd, gloat, contentment, incident, prey, boast, snicker, cure
- Phonics: Compound Words
- Phonemic Awareness: Segment and Count Phonemes
- Comprehension: Compare and Contrast
- Conventions: Verbs for Past, Present and Future
- Main Story: Anasi Goes Fishing Retold by Eric A. Kimmel
- Bar Graphs
- Lesson 3: Comparing Two Sets
- Lesson 4: Real-World Problems: Two-Step Problems
- Chapter 4 Review
- Chapter 4 Assessment
- Making a Hot Cocoa (Sequencing)
- Planning
- Drafting
- Edit/Revise
- Publish
- Unit 2
- Lesson 1: How can we locate places?
- Lesson 2: What does a map show?
- Chapter 2: Tools and Technology
- Lesson 1: What is Technology?
- Lesson 2: How do people design new things?
- Lesson 3: How do we use tools and machines?
- Resilience
- Learn from your mistakes.
Week of December 7th:
Language Arts (Unit 3, Week 2)
- Spelling Words: goat, hold, show, most, bowl, float, toast, ago, open, told, toad, slow
- High Frequency Words: answer, company, faraway, parents, picture, school, wash
- Amazing Words: correspond, transport, footprint, imitate, postage, cove, deaf, sign language
- Phonics: Vowel Patterns o, oa, ow
- Phonemic Awareness: Substitute Medial Phonemes
- Comprehension: Draw Conclusions
- Conventions: Verbs with Singular and Plural Nouns
- Main Story: Dear Juno by Soung Pak
- Bar Graphs
- Lesson 1: Using Part-Part-Whole in Addition and Subtraction
- Lesson 2: Adding On and Taking Away Sets
- Lesson 3: Comparing Two Sets
- Lesson 4: Real-World Problems: Two-Step Problems
- Chapter 4 Review
- Chapter 4 Assessment
- Making a Hot Cocoa (Sequencing)
- Planning
- Drafting
- Edit/Revise
- Publish
- Unit 2
- Lesson 1: How can we locate places?
- Lesson 2: What does a map show?
- Chapter 2: Tools and Technology
- Lesson 1: What is Technology?
- Lesson 2: How do people design new things?
- Lesson 3: How do we use tools and machines?
- Resilience
- Never Give Up!
Week of November 30th:
Language Arts (Unit 3, Week 1)
- Spelling Words: read, feet, easy, deep, seat, party, wheel, leave, windy, sleep, teeth, team
- High Frequency Words: guess, pretty, science, shoe, village, watch, won
- Amazing Words: construct, sidekick, unique, contraption, foolproof, daydream, project, scrap
- Phonics: Vowel Patterns e, ee, ea, y
- Phonemic Awareness: Substitute Final Phonemes
- Comprehension: Author's Purpose
- Conventions: Verbs
- Main Story: Pearl and Wagner: Two Good Friends by Kate McMullan
- Bar Graphs
- Lesson 1: Using Part-Part-Whole in Addition and Subtraction
- Lesson 2: Adding On and Taking Away Sets
- What I'm Thankful For
- Planning
- Drafting
- Edit/Revise
- Publish
- Unit 2
- Lesson 1: How can we locate places?
- Lesson 2: What does a map show?
- Chapter 2: Tools and Technology
- Lesson 1: What is Technology?
- Lesson 2: How do people design new things?
- Lesson 3: How do we use tools and machines?
- Resilience
- What is resilience?
Week of November 16th:
Language Arts (Unit 1 and 2 Review)- High Frequency Words: Review
- Comprehension: Review
- Conventions: Review
- Writing: Review
- Narrative
- Revise
- Publish
- Subtraction up to 1,000
- Chapter 3 Review
- Chapter 3 Assessment
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Lesson 3: How can we put events in order?
- Timeline
- Service
- Gratitude, Giving Back
Week of November 9th:
Language Arts (Unit 2, Week 5)- Spelling Words: main, wait, say, away, play, raise, brain, paint, stay, today, tray, tail
- High Frequency Words: behind, brought, door, everybody, minute, promise, sorry
- Amazing Words: conflict, resolve, mope, ramp, pursue, deserve, coax, startle
- Phonics: Long Vowel a patterns (a_e, ai, ay)
- Phonemic Awareness: Substitute Final Phonemes
- Comprehension: Compare and Contrast
- Conventions: Possessive Nouns
- Main Story: One Good Turn Deserves Another told by Judy Sierra
- Narrative
- Edit
- Revise
- Publish
- Subtraction up to 1,000
- Lesson 4: Subtracting with Regrouping with Hundreds, Tens, and Ones
- Lesson 5: Subtracting Across Zeros
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Question booklets
- Lesson 3: How can we put events in order?
- Service
- Military Service
Week of November 2nd:
Language Arts (Unit 2, Week 4)- Spelling Words: lunch, lunches, story, stories, tune, tunes, switch, switches, baby, babies, note, notes
- High Frequency Words: bought, people, pleasant, probably, scared, shall, sign
- Amazing Words: partnership, survival, struggle, familiar, solution, miserable, depend, insist
- Phonics: Plurals (-s, -es, -ies)
- Phonemic Awareness: Substitute Initial Phonemes
- Comprehension: Cause and Effect
- Conventions: Plural Nouns
- Main Story: The Bremen Town Musicians Retold as a play by Carol Pugliano-Martin
- Directions
- Plan and Prewrite
- Draft
- Subtraction up to 1,000
- Lesson 3: Subtracting with Regrouping Hundreds and Tens
- Lesson 4: Subtracting with Regrouping with Hundreds, Tens, and Ones
- Chapter 2: Technology and Tools
- Lesson 1: What is Technology
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Question booklets
- Lesson 3: How can we put events in order?
- Service
- How do we serve others?
Week of October 26th:
Language Arts (Unit 2, Week 3)
- Spelling Words: person, nurse, dirt, turn, birth, serve, curb, curl, skirt, purse, turtle, her
- High Frequency Words: above, ago, enough, toward, whole, word
- Amazing Words: consumers, producers, strand, lack, decision, fiber, extraordinary, typical
- Phonics: R-Controlled Vowels /ėr/ er, ir, ur
- Phonemic Awareness: Substitute Initial Phonemes
- Comprehension: Facts and Details
- Conventions: Singular and Plural Nouns
- Main Story: Scarcity by Janeen R. Adil
- Writing a Narrative Nonfiction Story
- Rough Draft
- Revise and Edit
- Final Draft
- Subtraction up to 1,000
- Lesson 2: Subtracting with Regrouping Tens and Ones
- Lesson 3: Subtracting with Regrouping Hundreds and Tens
- Chapter 2: Technology and Tools
- Lesson 1: What is Technology
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Question booklets
- Lesson 3: How can we put events in order?
- Leadership
- Red Ribbon Week
Week of October 19th:
Language Arts (Unit 2, Week 2)
- Spelling Words: can't, it's, he's, I'm, didn't, who's, she's, aren't, isn't, haven't, hadn't, I'll
- High Frequency Words: certainly, either, great, laugh, second, worst, you're
- Amazing Words: identify, significant, ingenious, architect, participate, scour, aloft, tinker
- Phonics: Contractions
- Phonemic Awareness: Segment and Count Phonemes
- Comprehension: Author's Purpose
- Conventions: Proper Nouns
- Main Story: Abraham Lincoln by Delores Malone
- Lesson 4: How do scientists find answers?
- Lesson 5: How do scientist collect and share data?
- Addition up to 1,000 Chapter Review
- Chapter 2 Assessment
- Subtraction up to 1,000
- Chapter 3 Intro
- Lesson 1: Subtracting without Regrouping
- Meet the Masters
- Leadership
- Famous Leaders
Week of October 12th:
Language Arts (Unit 2, Week 1)
- Spelling Words: hard, born, horse, before, more, smart, farm, porch, corn, chore, score, part
- High Frequency Words: break, family, heard, listen, once, pull
- Amazing Words: courageous, hazard, rescue, avalanche, instinct, skittish, blustery, fast-paced
- Phonics: r-Controlled vowel: ar, or, ore, oar
- Phonemic Awareness: Substitute Initial Phonemes
- Comprehension: Cause and Effect
- Conventions: Nouns
- Main Story: Tara and Tiree, Fearless Friends by Andrew Clements
- Writing a Narrative Nonfiction Story
- Informal Outline
- Rough Draft
- Edit
- Addition up to 1,000
- Lesson 5: Addition with Regrouping Ones and Tens
- Chapter 2 Review and Assessment
- Chapter 3 Opener
- Science, Engineering and Technology
- The Nature of Science
- Lesson 5: How do Scientist Collect and Share Data?
- Chapter 1 Assessment
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Lesson 2: How is life today different?
- Lesson 3: How can we put events in order?
- Leadership
- Listen to Others
Week of October 5th:
Language Arts (Unit 1, Week 5)
- Spelling Words: that, wish, patch, when, what, math, them, shape, whale, itch, chase, bunch
- High Frequency Words: gone, learn, often, pieces, though, together, very
- Amazing Words: delicate, inquire, sturdy, exhibit, resist, stun, genius, satisfaction
- Phonics: Consonant Digraphs
- Phonemic Awareness: Blend and Segment Phonemes
- Comprehension: Facts and Details
- Conventions: Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences
- Main Story: The Strongest One retold by Joseph Bruchac
- Writing: Play Scene
- Numbers to 1,000
- Lesson 3: Addition with regrouping in ones
- Lesson 4: Addition with regrouping in tens
- Science, Engineering and Technology
- The Nature of Science
- Lesson 4: How do Scientists Find Answers?
- Lesson 5: How do Scientist Collect and Share Data?
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Lesson 1: How do we learn family history?
- Lesson 2: How is life today different?
- Leadership
- Lead by Example
Language Arts (Unit 1, Week 4)
- Spelling Words: dropped, dropping, excited, exciting, lifted, lifting, hugged, hugging, smiled, smiling, talked, talking
- High Frequency Words: animals, early, eyes, full, warm, water
- Amazing Words: arid, landform, precipitation, dunes, ledge, haven, extinct, forbidding
- Phonics: Inflected Endings
- Phonemic Awareness: Blend and Segment Phonemes
- Comprehension: Main Idea and Details
- Conventions: Declarative and Interrogative Sentences
- Main Story: A Walk in the Desert by Caroline Arnold
- Writing: Brief Report
- Numbers to 1,000
- Lesson 1: Addition and Subtraction within 20
- Lesson 2: Addition without Regrouping
- Science, Engineering and Technology
- The Nature of Science
- Lesson 3: How do Scientist Use Tools to Stay Safe?
- Lesson 4: How do Scientists Find Answers?
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Lesson 1: How do we learn family history?
- Lesson 2: How is life today different?
- Leadership
- What is leadership? What do leaders do?
Week of September 21st:
Language Arts (Unit 1, Week 3)
- Spelling Words: stop, hand, clip, twin, strap, brave, stream, breeze, nest, ask, mask, state
- High Frequency Words: bear, father, straight, build, love, couldn’t, mother
- Amazing Words: galaxy, tranquil, wildlife, fledglings, secure, detective, fascinating, slimy
- Phonics: Consonant Blends
- Phonemic Awareness: Blend and Segment Phonemes
- Comprehension: Character and Setting and Story Structure
- Conventions: Predicates
- Main Story: Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night by Cynthia Rylant
- Writing: Organization and Realistic Fiction
- Numbers to 1,000
- Lesson 3: Comparing Numbers
- Lesson 4: Order and Pattern
- Chapter Review
- Science, Engineering and Technology
- The Nature of Science
- Lesson 2: What Kinds of Skills Do Scientists Use?
- Lesson 3: How do Scientist Use Tools to Stay Safe?
- Long Ago and Yesterday
- Lesson 1: How do we learn family history?
- Responsibility
- Complete and Turn-In all of your Work!
Week of September 14th:
Language Arts (Unit 1, Week 2)
- Spelling Words: page, nose, space, size, fine, mice, late, huge, blaze, race, rice, vote
- High Frequency Words: everywhere, live, machines, move, woman, work, world
- Amazing Words: ascend, enormous, descend, journey, orbit, launch, universe, meteorite
- Phonics: Long Vowels VCe
- Phonemic Awareness: Distinguish Medial Phonemes
- Comprehension: Main Idea and Details
- Conventions: Subjects
- Main Story: Exploring Space with an Astronaut by Patricia J. Murphy
- Responding to Text to improve comprehension and focus
- Free Response
- Starter Words
- Reading Notation Responses
- Sticky Note Responses
- One Words Responses
- Numbers to 1,000
- Lesson 2: Place Value
- Lesson 3: Comparing Numbers
- Lesson 4: Order and Pattern
- The Nature of Science
- Lesson 1: What questions to scientist ask?
- Lesson 2: What kinds of skills do scientist use?
- Respecting Others
- Responsibility
- Spelling Words: rock, list, desk, job, sad, chop, sack, tag, rib, mess, dust, drum
- High Frequency Words: beautiful, country, friend, front, someone, somewhere
- Amazing Words: investigate, urban, perch, muttered, rural, downy, founders, unanimous
- Phonics: Suffixes: Short Vowels and Consonants
- Phonemic Awareness: Distinguish Medial Phonemes
- Comprehension: Character and Setting
- Conventions: Sentences
- Main Story: The Twin Club by Ina Cumpiano
- Week of September 8th:
Language Arts (Unit 1, Week 1)
- Spelling Words: rock, list, desk, job, sad, chop, sack, tag, rib, mess, dust, drum
- High Frequency Words: beautiful, country, friend, front, someone, somewhere
- Amazing Words: investigate, urban, perch, muttered, rural, downy, founders, unanimous
- Phonics: Suffixes: Short Vowels and Consonants
- Phonemic Awareness: Distinguish Medial Phonemes
- Comprehension: Character and Setting
- Conventions: Sentences
- Main Story: The Twin Club by Ina Cumpiano
- Creating Complete Sentences
- Beginning words
- Improving reading comprehension by writing questions
- Numbers to 1,000
- Lesson 1: Counting
- Lesson 2: Place Value
- Responsibility
- Follow Rules and Directions
We are also still working on Placement Assessments this week.
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